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Drone Professional 2 - An Indispensable Reference For Today's Drone Industry

Drone Professional 2: A #1 Amazon Best Seller (USA and Germany) and #3 Amazon Best Seller (UK)

Dean Polley, founder and CEO of SSASS Holdings, licensed drone pilot, public speaker and best-selling author, announces the launch of the new #1 best-seller Amazon (USA and Germany) Drone Professional 2.

Drone Professional 2 features 21 drone industry professionals from around the world. They share their experience, insights, best practice guidance and current best thinking on a broad range of topics in unmanned aviation.

Topics covered include: start-up stories from surveying services to drone manufacturing; risk assessment; drone insurance; environmental planning; surveillance and security; drones and satellites; land use planning; Unmanned Traffic Management; team work; artificial intelligence; safety in operations; best practice guidelines near wildlife; applications in the energy industries; regulations; the ‘Power of Local’; crop spraying; marketing services; and diversity in the industry.

Drone Professional 2 is an invaluable resource and practical reference guide for those in the drone industry and for those who are new to the drone industry. It is an impeccable resource because it combines both technical and personal anecdotal feedback from frontline experts. Each of the experts contributing to Drone Professional 2 are consummate professionals in the drone community.

By reading Drone Professional 2 you will gain new insights on the value of the drone industry, the range of technologies and innovations that contribute to the industry. You will also appreciate the frameworks and standards within which professionals ply their trade and glimpse the potential the professional drone industry has still to offer in the hands of the professionals.

Drone Professional 2 is available in paperback and Kindle format across Amazon’s global retail websites.

Contact details:

+27 72 185 5959

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